Andrea Arnold

Film Review: ‘American Honey’ is a New National Anthem for All of Us

American Honey

CHICAGO – The America we find ourselves in today would never have been imagined by our ancestors. Sure, we don’t have flying cars or robotic house servants but we do have different ways of life. “American Honey” shows the sweet and sour side of my generation’s new American Dream while keeping it infinitely relatable to everyone.

DVD Review: Andrea Arnold’s ‘Wuthering Heights’ Puts ‘The Great Gatsby’ to Shame

Wuthering Heights DVD

CHICAGO – First Joe Wright sucked the life out of “Anna Karenina” with his meticulously choreographed, self-conscious pageantry. Then Baz Luhrmann proved that while heavy-handed spectacle may have appealed to Jay Gatsby himself, it was a recipe for disaster when applied to F. Scott Fitzgerald’s prose. Nothing kills off the power of a metaphor more than a large neon sign erected to underline its significance.

Film Review: Arnold Finds New Way to Capture ‘Wuthering Heights’

CHICAGO – Andrea Arnold continues to make the case that she’s one of the world’s most interesting filmmakers with the unexpected creative success of her adaptation of “Wuthering Heights,” a story that may not at first seem to fit in her narrative framework but proves to be a perfect choice for this multi-talented filmmaker.

Blu-Ray Review: Andrea Arnold’s Stunning ‘Fish Tank’ Demands Wider Audience

Fish Tank

CHICAGO – Andrea Arnold might be the best working filmmaker that you haven’t yet heard of. She won an Oscar for her short film “Wasp” and followed that up with the excellent “Red Road” and the even-better “Fish Tank,” a great drama now included in The Criterion Collection and available on Blu-ray and DVD.

Preview: The 45th Chicago International Film Festival, Week Two

CHICAGO – The second week of The 45th Chicago Film Festival kicks off tonight (or tomorrow depending on how you look at the fest that runs from the 8th to the 22nd) and the upcoming weekend features just as much and arguably more interesting films unspooling at the AMC River East than the first.

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