Resident Evil

Video Game Review: ‘Resident Evil: The Darkside Chronicles’ Delivers Action You Need

The Darkside Chronicles

CHICAGO – Fans of the “Resident Evil” franchise and rail shooters in general (two parties of which I would definitely claim membership) should not let the excellent “The Darkside Chronicles” pass them by and I believe even newcomers to either zombie games or Wii shooting titles will find something to like in this expertly conceived title with only one significant flaw.

Video Game Review: ‘Cursed Mountain’ Brings Survival Horror to the Wii

Cursed Mountain

CHICAGO – The Nintendo Wii has never really been a system designed for atmosphere. It’s a party console, a machine built around social experiences that usually involve making fun of how silly your relative looks waving a controller around the room like he’s actually holding a tennis racket.

Video Game Review: ‘Dead Rising: Chop Till You Drop’ Should Be Better

Dead Rising

CHICAGO – Not every game fits every platform. Every once in a while, a game can make the jump from one next-gen console to another, but it’s just as often that a title misses the mark and crashes to the ground. Such is the case with Capcom’s anticipated “Dead Rising: Chop Till You Drop,” a shooter with fun moments interspersed through awful gameplay and horrendous storytelling.

Video Game Slideshow: 31-Image Gallery For Capcom’s ‘Resident Evil 5’

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CHICAGO – This 31-image slideshow contains our favorite screenshots from the highly anticipated Capcom release, “Resident Evil 5”. The game will be released on Mar. 13, 2009.

Blu-Ray Review: ‘Resident Evil: Degeneration’ Dead on Arrival


CHICAGO – Instead of playing one of the most anticipated games of the last few years, “Resident Evil 5,” fans of one of gamings most influential franchises are being asked to watch what is essentially a 96-minute cut scene that serves as a prequel or appetizer for what is to come in 2009.

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