Tommy Lee Jones

Film Feature: The Best Supporting Performances of 2012

CHICAGO – A mother trying to protect her son from an assassin, a man who coordinates lap dances for a living, a woman whose dreams have died, a gambler betting on his son, and two people at the heart of Abraham Lincoln’s fight to end slavery and the Civil War — 2012 certainly offered a wide array of memorable supporting characters in motion pictures.

Blu-ray Review: ‘Hope Springs’ Mars Great Acting with Awful Soundtrack

Hope Springs Blu-ray

CHICAGO – Meryl Streep and Tommy Lee Jones are actors capable of conveying a richly layered inner life without uttering a single word. They have a miraculous method of making silence speak volumes. It’s in the lingering pauses and sudden hesitations between words where the story truly resides. I can’t picture two actors better suited to work together onscreen.

Blu-ray Review: Unnecessary ‘Men in Black 3’ Bolstered by Brilliant Ensemble

Men in Black 3 Blu-ray

CHICAGO – 2012 contained three great Tommy Lee Jones performances, and one of them was delivered by Josh Brolin. Whereas Jones himself was flat-out brilliant in “Hope Springs” and “Lincoln,” he was assigned the thankless task of playing second (or third) banana to the wisecracking, increasingly Bugs Bunny-like Will Smith in Barry Sonnenfeld’s wholly unnecessary third installment in the “Men in Black” franchise.

Film Review: ‘Lincoln’ Magnificently Humanizes the Man, Our History

CHICAGO – There is an argument that Steven Spielberg is the most “American” of directors, at least in his generation. He deftly and brilliantly teams up with playwright Tony Kushner and actor Daniel Day-Lewis to humanize and realize our 16th president in “Lincoln.”

Film Review: Meryl Streep, Tommy Lee Jones Elevate ‘Hope Springs’

CHICAGO – It can be argued that Meryl Streep is in the most fruitful period in her long and illustrious career, at least as far as the variety of character parts she has undertaken. She co-stars in “Hope Springs” with Tommy Lee Jones, as a mousy Omaha wife who is looking for a change in her marriage.

Blu-ray Review: Manly Movies Released in Time For Father’s Day

A Perfect World

CHICAGO – It’s that time of year again when studios look deep into their catalogs and pull out a few lucky titles for potential consumers to give dear old dad on Father’s Day. What got the HD upgrade for the 2012 holiday? Warner Bros. has released one underrated gem and two mediocre “manly movies” in “A Perfect World,” “Blood Work,” and “U.S. Marshals.”

Film Review: ‘Men in Black III’ Deserves to Be Neuralyzed From Memory

CHICAGO – “Men in Black III” is such a soulless venture, a film made by committee that doesn’t display the touch of anyone with any remaining actual interest in the characters. In the pipeline for years, the film has been fine-tuned to the point that all of its personality was buffed out in the process. Hookup: 25 Pairs of Chicago Passes to ‘Men in Black 3’ With Will Smith

CHICAGO – In the latest Hookup: Film with our unique social giveaway technology, we have 25 admit-two movie passes up for grabs to the advance screening of the highly anticipated “Men in Black 3” with Will Smith!

Blu-ray Review: ‘The Sunset Limited’ Brilliantly Adapts Cormac McCarthy’s Play

The Sunset Limited Thumb

CHICAGO – Tommy Lee Jones’s production of Cormac McCarthy’s two-character play debuted last year on HBO to little fanfare. Now that the film has finally been released on Blu-ray and DVD, it deserves to be placed at the top of every cinephile’s queue. It is, quite simply, one of the best films of 2011 and the finest cinematic adaptation yet made of the great novelist’s work.

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