This is 40

Blu-ray Review: Judd Apatow’s Underrated ‘This is 40’ Boasts A-Grade Extras

This is 40 Blu-ray

CHICAGO – Why should Judd Apatow and Lena Dunham have to apologize for making films about white upper-class people, considering they are indeed members of the white upper-class? Does their whiteness make their voices any less worthy of being heard? Is it the painstakingly intimate nature of their comedy that rubs some viewers the wrong way? Would these viewers prefer impersonal formulaic retreads populated by token representatives of every race on earth? I can’t imagine anything more dull. Hookup: 5 Blu-ray, DVD Combo Packs to Sort-Of ‘Knocked Up’ Sequel ‘This is 40’

CHICAGO – In the latest Hookup: Combo Pack with our unique social giveaway technology, we have 5 free Blu-ray and DVD combo packs up for grabs for the highly anticipated home release of the sort-of “Knocked Up” sequel “This is 40”!

Film Review: Judd Apatow’s ‘This is 40’ Clutters Truth with Cliché

CHICAGO – Judd Apatow’s “This is 40” is a true disappointment, a comedy that purports to say something honest and insightful about approaching middle age in the ‘10s but blurs truth by smothering it in contrivance and cliché. Hookup: 30 Pairs of Passes to Sort-Of ‘Knocked Up’ Sequel ‘This is 40’

CHICAGO – In the latest Hookup: Film with our unique social giveaway technology, we have 30 pairs of movie passes up for grabs to the advance screening of “This is 40,” which is the sort-of sequel to “Knocked Up” from Judd Apatow!

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