Disney Plus

TV Review: Literary/Film Influences Temper the Glorious Chaos of ‘Loki’

CHICAGO – From villain to anti-hero to homoerotic fan fiction icon, Loki has traveled a long way from the greasy-haired megalomaniac we have come to love. For most of his cinematic character development, Loki has been a foil to Thor’s massive himbo (n.: a very attractive, often beefy male who isn’t the brightest bulb, but is still able to shine because of his good-natured attitude and respect for women. Male version of a “bimbo”) energy.

Film Review: HollywoodChicago.com On-The-Air Review of ‘Hamilton’


CHICAGO – Patrick McDonald of HollywoodChicago.com appears on “The Morning Mess” with Scott Thompson on WBGR-FM (Monroe, Wisconsin) on July 2nd, 2020, discussing one of the most anticipated summer releases, the filmed-on-stage version of “Hamilton,” streaming from the Disney+ platform on July 3rd.

Exclusive Photo: ‘The World According to Jeff Goldblum’

CHICAGO – To paraphrase what used to be said of Frank Sinatra, “It’s Jeff Goldblum’s world, we only live in it.” The wacky, quirky veteran actor is experiencing a major career renaissance, which includes “The World According to Jeff Goldblum” on the new streaming service, Disney+, available beginning on the first day of its launch, November 12th, 2019.

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