Xbox 360

Video Game Review: ‘Borderlands 2: Captain Scarlett and Her Pirate’s Booty’

Borderlands 2: Captain Scarlett and Her Pirate's Booty.

“Captain Scarlett and Her Pirate’s Booty,” in addition to being an excellent title for a late night “Cinemax” title, also happens to be a new piece of pirate-themed downloadable content for “Borderlands 2,” available for a modest tribute on XBLA. Once downloaded, all one needs to do is access a fast travel station and hightail it to newly appearing “Oasis” on the list of travel beacons.

Video Game Review: ‘NBA 2K13’ is a Slam Dunk

CHICAGO – Most of us thought it wouldn’t happen, others thought it couldn’t, and a select few thought it never should. Despite being the best in the world at what they do, dominating the competition, and improving themselves day in and day out, most of us were ultimately doubters. But we were proven wrong.

Video Game Review: ‘Dishonored’ is at War with Itself

CHICAGO – I’m more or less “over” the whole killing evil aristocrats thing. Between “Skyrim”, “Assassin’s Creed”, “Mount and Blade”, “Ultimate” and dozens of other games that take place in some sort of medieval setting, I think I’ve killed every Lord, Duke, and Earl in Europe.

Video Game Review: ‘NHL 13’ is Great For Newbies

CHICAGO – For sports gamers, late summer into early fall is a stressful time on the wallet. This is when EA Sports releases their holy triumvirate of sports titles; “Madden,” “FIFA,” and “NHL,” all within a month of each other. “Madden” is always a blockbuster release here in the USA, with midnight launches, coverage on ESPN, and enough hype to direct a Kanye West music video.

Video Game Review: ‘Borderlands 2’ Has Nearly Limitless Ability to Entertain

CHICAGO – I played the first “Borderlands” with my roommate two summers ago, marathoning nightly 6-hour sessions in a haze of not-just-hookah smoke, delighting at the acid-trip aesthetic of the proceedings. Midgets, monsters, vehicles, rocket-launching sniper-rifles, giant angry dragon things — it felt like we were Alice and we made a wrong turn on our way through the Rabbit Hole.

Video Game Review: ‘Transformers: Fall of Cybertron’ is More Than Meets the Eye

CHICAGO – Considering its iconic nature, it’s funny that “The Transformers” franchise has never been about its story. Outside of Optimus Prime dying, or that time Ultra Magnus fought the junk-bots to a Weird Al song, casual fans would be hard pressed to remember a specific episode or occurrence in the series that really stuck with them.

Video Game Review: Gameplay Refinements Elevate New ‘Madden NFL 13’

CHICAGO – “Madden NFL 13” opens with a rousing monologue from everyone’s favorite justice-obstructing Ravens linebacker, Ray Lewis. Sitting in a dimly lit and smokey locker room, he extols the virtue of hard work, tenacity, and pride, as images from the prior NFL season are projected on the lockers before seamlessly transforming into footage from the game, highlighting its shiny new physics engine.

Video Game Review: ‘Darksiders II’ Offers Death-Dealing Destruction

CHICAGO – I’ll get right to it. Overall this is one of the best games of 2012. “Darksiders II” has already gotten some very good marks from reviewers and I can’t say I found much to challenge their observations. This is a hugely involving game that offers a massive geography, a whopping 20-hour completion cycle and another few dozen hours for those who want to chase all the side quests.

Video Games Calendar

Video Game Consoles

CHICAGO – Our fourth and final calendar could be your most essential! When is your next addictive video game hitting store shelves? And how can you pre-order it early? Bookmark this page and come back for a regularly updated list of what’s upcoming in the world of video games complete with links to buy them!

Video Game Review: ‘Ridge Racer Unbounded’ Takes Hit Driving Franchise New Places

CHICAGO – Forget the “Ridge Racer” you thought you knew. “Ridge Racer Unbounded” leaves behind the somewhat simplified gentility that defined its previous look and feel, embracing a high energy approach that offers destroyable environments and a harsher, more competitive edge.

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