
Video Game Review: ‘From Dust’ Approaches Arcade Gaming From New Angle

From Dust

CHICAGO – “From Dust” is such a unique, unusual experience that it’s tempting to recommend it based purely on its originality. It stands out from the crowd and, for that fact alone, deserves a look for those of you with credit to burn and in need of something refreshing. Ambition needs to be matched by execution though and there are frustrating elements of “From Dust” that can’t be ignored.

Video Game Review: ‘Call of Juarez: The Cartel’ Blows Itself Up

CHICAGO – Rarely have I played a game more frustrating than “Call of Juarez: The Cartel.” It’s far from the worst game of the year. It’s not even the worst game of the season. But it’s underdeveloped, disappointing, and sometimes plain broken when it could have been something truly great. This is a game that should have worked and there are elements that do but the overall title never quite comes together.

Video Game Review: ‘Prince of Persia Trilogy HD’ Packages Classic Games

CHICAGO – I’m nervous that future generations will remember “Prince of Persia” more for the awful Jake Gyllenhaal movie than the massively-influential and beloved video games on which it was based. To combat this possibility, Ubisoft has released the trilogy that really turned the franchise into a phenomenon in the mid-’00s in one value-packed release called “Prince of Persia Trilogy HD,” now available in stores exclusively for the PS3.

Video Game Review: Amazing ‘Assassin’s Creed: Brotherhood’ Delivers

CHICAGO – “Assassin’s Creed: Brotherhood” is all about power — taking it, keeping it, using it. Expanding on the world and gameplay of the first two “Assassin’s Creed” games, “Brotherhood” is another creative smash for Ubisoft and should easily be one of the highest-selling titles of the holiday season. A few minor glitches hold it back from perfection, but it’s damn close.

Video Game Review: Disappointing ‘Prince of Persia: The Forgotten Sands’

Prince of Persia: The Forgotten Sands

CHICAGO – One might assume that the disappointing Jake Gyllenhaal summer action flick “Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time” would have a movie tie-in game that’s equally frustrating but Ubisoft’s “Prince of Persia: The Forgotten Sands” is actually unrelated to the film other than being a part of the franchise that inspired it. No, you won’t be able to play Alfred Molina’s ostrich races, although you may wish you could.

Video Game Review: Riveting, Thrilling Action of ‘Splinter Cell: Conviction’

Splinter Cell: Conviction
HollywoodChicago.com Video Game Rating: 4.5/5.0
Video Game Rating: 4.5/5.0

CHICAGO – With a consistently intriguing story, excellent voice work, and perfectly-paced gameplay, the Microsoft Xbox 360 game “Tom Clancy’s Splinter Cell: Conviction” is a surprisingly accomplished title, one that will suck you in for hours on end and nearly make you feel like a superspy yourself.

Video Game Review: ‘James Cameron’s Avatar: The Game’ Looks Amazing, Plays Average

Avatar: The Game

CHICAGO – A movie as gigantic as James Cameron’s “Avatar” is bound to have a video game tie-in to go with it and one would assume that such a detailed and complex fantasy world as that created in the film threatening to be the highest grossing of all time would make for a wonderful virtual playground. One would be mostly correct in that “James Cameron’s Avatar: The Game” is one of the most beautiful in recent months. The gameplay is another story.

Video Game Review: Addictive, Gorgeous ‘Assassin’s Creed 2’ is a Must-Play

Assassin's Creed 2

CHICAGO – The team behind the highly anticipated “Assassin’s Creed 2” have delivered one of the most remarkably realized and complete video game worlds of the year, a journey back in time to when a man’s word meant as much as the edge of his sword. With very few hiccups, “Assassin’s Creed 2” gives fans exactly what the expect, improving significantly on the original without deviating from what worked about the first hit game.

Video Game Review: ‘Heroes Over Europe’ Frustrates More Than Flies

Heroes Over Europe

CHICAGO – The concept of Ubisoft’s “Heroes Over Europe” immediately intrigued this player, one who has grown a bit weary of the onslaught of sports and shooter titles this season. Maybe this game would offer a unique alternative, recreating the experience of WWII over London, Berlin, the French Alps, and more. Sadly, far too many gameplay issues keep this plane grounded.

Video Game Review: Adaptation of ‘Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs’ Tastes Rancid

Cloudy Video Game

CHICAGO – Even with the long history of awful video game adaptation of hit films, shouldn’t “Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs” be a slam dunk? The clever family comedy plays like a video game already with a very fun story that should be easy to turn into something playable with a controller. But the video game version of “Cloudy” has already his stores well past its expiration date.

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